Exposing Node?

  • Understand the potential risks of exposing the Node inner class.

Consider the following operation which we have explored earlier:

public void delete(Node<T> target) { }
public void insertAfter(Node<T> target, T data) { }
public void insertBefore(Node<T> target, T data) { }

Exercise How does one get a reference to a node in an arbitrarily position among the nodes in a DLL?


We can update the get method to return a reference to a node at the target position.

- public T get(int index) { }
+ public Node<T> get(int index) { }

We can also update the following methods to return a reference to a newly inserted node.

- public void addFirst (T data) { }
+ public Node<T> addFirst (T data) { }

- public void addLast(T data) { }
+ public Node<T> addLast(T data) { }

Exercise Is there any benefit in, e.g., having get to return a Node and later pass this node to a method like insertAfter in contrast to having a method like insertAfter to recieve the target's position index?


Imagine this contrived example:

Node<T> node = get(3);
insertAfter(node, 4);
insertBefore(node, 2);

In contrast to:

insertAfter(3, 4);
insertBefore(3, 2);

In the first snippet, the $$\Omicron(n)$$ search to find the node at index 3 happens once when we call get. On the other hand, in the secon snippet, the linear search happens for each operation.

When we use Node as a type in the signature of any public operations (such as delete), we must also make Node available (change it from private to a public static nested class).

Exercise What are the potential risks of exposing Node to clients of DLL?


A deviant client can change the value stored at a node and change the next/prev pointers. The latter will corrupt the data structure.